I believe that Cooking is not a Science, its an Art . It requires you to be creative. A little change here, a little deviation there from the recipe only adds more flavor! So don’t think you are married to the quantities or the ingredients, be bold and trust yourself!

Method to Prepare below


  • Chick-peas (Garbanzo beans)
  • Tomatoes
  • Onions
  • Cucumbers
  • Mint
  • Coriander
  • Lots of Parsley

Roasted Potatoes (Boil and cube potatoes, roast with olive oil and garlic for 20 minutes at 350 F. Broil for 3 minutes at medium setting)
Chutney Dressing (Olive Oil, Coriander, Parsley, Avocado blended into a paste)

Mix all the ingredients and add the dressing, salt, pepper and some lime juice. You can add half crushed Pita chips for extra fun!

Vata No
Pitta Good
Kapha Ok in moderation
Gluten-Free Yes
Vegan Yes